How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Harry Potter Fandom

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Harry Potter Fandom

Coronavirus is the current pandemic sweeping the world. It is a respiratory illness that causes a cough, fever, and shortness of breath in a majority of people. Many countries across the world are instituting guidelines for quarantine and attempting to control the spread of the virus. What makes Coronavirus different than other viruses is the speed with which it is spreading.

When Harry Potter fans were asked about Coronavirus, there was a bit of a difference in opinions. Harry Potter fan, Xavier VanValkenburgh stated he felt the Coronavirus was, “Serious, yes.” He went on to say, “I am not afraid of becoming sick.” But some Harry Potter fans have had some serious concerns now that places are being told to limit crowds to less than 10 people to prevent the spread of the illness. Another Harry Potter fan Stazy Mazo said, “It’s definitely serious and I’m definitely cautious about getting sick but I’m trying not to be too afraid of it. I think that kind of fear can be debilitating.”

On March 12, 2020 Universal Studios closed both its Wizarding World parks in California and Florida amid concerns for the safety of its workers and people attending the parks. In the statement released to the public, park officials cited, “We anticipate remaining closed through the end of March but will continue to evaluate the situation.” (Universal Studios, 2020)

On March 17, 2020, the Warner Bros’ Harry Potter London Studio Tour in London reported they have had no positive cases from workers within the tour but, “out of an abundance of caution and in the interest of the health and wellbeing of our visitors, employees and local community,” the decision was made to temporarily shut down the attraction.

The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play posted a statement to their website saying, “The producers of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child San Francisco and the Curran Theater are committed to the safety and peace of mind of all audiences, cast, crew, and theatre staff, and we have been closely monitoring the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) situation… we must temporarily suspend performances of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child through April 30, 2020.”

Coronavirus has changed things for a lot of people recently. While it makes the world different, some people are still finding the joy in the simple things in life. Stazy Mazo said, “I think COVID-19 has impacted everyone period. Regardless of who you are. I think times like these actually bring fandoms together because we’re all experiencing the same thing which is rare in this world. Now is a good time for distractions as well.”

Fans of the Harry Potter series have been uniting online now that the coronavirus has limited their ability to connect with other fans in person. Watch parties are being hosted by fans of the films online. People are coming together on the fan websites and chats to communicate their willingness to work together. When asked if the virus changed anything for them as a fan, @tiffanywrites2 on Twitter said, “No. I am still a huge fan. (why should this virus change that?)”

Harry Potter fan, Kyle VanValkenburgh, when asked if they think COVID-19 has impacted the Harry Potter fandom, stated, “Yes it has as much as anyone else. The virus has provided a renewed interest in reading the books to provide an escape.” J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series seemed to agree. She released a statement via Twitter that she is, “delighted to help teachers reach kids at home by relaxing the usual licence required to post videos of themselves reading Harry Potter books,” so kids and teachers can use video chat to promote learning through the Harry Potter books.

Overall, the fans of Harry Potter seem to believe that the Coronavirus is a reason to come together and support one another by using the magic of the series we have fallen in love with over the years. It is a big hope of those of us who relate to Harry Potter most of all that others will find something within the series that makes them smile bright in this trying time.

While many states and theme parks are beginning to open back up, restrictions to keep the public safe are still in place in many cities all over the world. For more information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and what you should be doing, visit

Featured Image by CHEERFA

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